A Foodie in Barcelona


Food is what makes exploring new countries, parts of the world, and different cultures such a fun and memorable experience!

Traveling the world is an indescribable adventure, as you are able to indulge and experience new cultures and cities. All my life, I have always been into trying new foods, especially while traveling, making sure to hit all of the hotspots and support the local restaurants. Through exploring and trying countless new restaurants throughout the city, in just two months, I was able to indulge in some of the best meals I have ever had. From savory to sweets, Barcelona is a city known for its wide variety of vibrant and memorable food, that makes an individual’s journey throughout the city unforgettable.


Food is an aspect that can really make a place unique and memorable while traveling, as eating is something that every individual enjoys. When traveling to toursity and highly visited cities, the selection of food can be overwhelming, as big cities have more restaurants and food options than anyone could possibly imagine. Barcelona is a city known for its tremendous culture surrounding food. In fact, according to an article written by Time Out, Barcelona has over 10,000 restaurants. With restaurants galore, there is something for everyone in every area of the city. Eating is a journey, as it forces an individual to try new restaurants and dishes in multiple locations throughout a city, especially when in an unfamiliar place or culture. Food allows you to create stories and memories that are specific to a time and place, and can help an individual feel comfortable in a new environment. Food can allow an individual to love a city, and forces an individual to explore and have new experiences. Barcelona is a city that did all of this for me.


While studying abroad in Barcelona for two months, I was able to get and taste a little glimpse of all the tremendous food that the city has to offer. From sweets to savory dishes, I was able to eat an eclectic selection of foods, trying numerous restaurants, dishes and drinks. Picking a favorite dish or meal is near impossible, and picking a favorite restaurant is even harder. However, I was able to select ten dishes that have really stuck with me (and that have really been making me miss Barcelona even more).

My very first meal in Barcelona was at a breakfast restaurant called Milk Bar. Although it is a smaller, limited menu restaurant, the Mediterranean avocado toast that I had was amazing. It was a true reflection of the food journey that I knew I was going to have while living in Barcelona. Chickster and Bristol Cafe are neighborhood finds and were hotspots for my roommates and I, as we dined at these places pretty regularly. A chicken and French fry place is the perfect type of restaurant, as it provided me with fresh, easy, comfort food while being so far away from home. Nachos were definitely an appetizer that was consumed during most meals while in Barcelona, as they were a popular menu item at most restaurants. Despite the many nachos consumed, the nachos at Keno were exceptionally good and memorable. Keno is a quaint little restaurant that is fun to go with friends, especially after class! While salty and savory meals are always amazing, I was able to find a balance and eat my fair share of sweets. The Nutella waffle at Surf House, a little restaurant located on the beach, was a standout meal for sure. I am a sucker for chocolate, so this waffle was easily one of the best.


The atmosphere at Surf House really adds to your meal as well because you are able to sit outside and watch the beautiful sunsets. Additionally, while a lot of unhealthy choices were made, there is nothing better than a fresh, big salad. My salad at Brunch and Cake was definitely unique and flavorful. And, my salad at Flax and Kale was easily one of the best salads I have ever had. The healthy, small portioned tapas at Sensi Tapas were displayed with such detail, that you almost did not want to eat them. And, above all, De Greco, an Italian restaurant, is a meal that I have continually been craving. As an Italian, the homemade pasta and sauce were incredible, making this restaurant easily one of the best in Barcelona. Finally, my food journey in Barcelona ended with a meal at The Hammock Juice Station. While indulging in my avocado toast and my banana smoothie, I sat in a hammock and thoroughly enjoyed my meal. It is significant to note that each of these restaurants were accompanied by all different types of atmospheres and people. In Barcelona, no two restaurants are the same. The experiences at individual restaurants is like no other. The tremendous, memorable food, along with the different environments and elements of the given restaurants, combined for experiences and meals that I will truly never forget.


Being able to indulge and try food from all over the world is truly a remarkable and unforgettable experience. The food I had while living in Barcelona, made my two months even better than I could ever have imagined. The rich flavors, unique tastes, and the memorable atmospheres are all aspects of my food journey throughout Barcelona that I will never forget. Traveling is the greatest gift, and the food that accompanies a person’s journey makes the memories richer. All my meals in Barcelona have now become a part of my food journal and will stick with me. I hope to return to the wonderful city one day and go back to all of these restaurants. The memories that I have from exploring the food culture in Barcelona only enriched my time studying abroad, making me feel at home and making it so hard to leave.


Cammi Paladino

Cammi Paladino is the Spring 2020 Alumni Insider in Barcelona, Spain, and is currently studying at Michigan State University.